Each Rolling Thunder event organization (requirements, slot assignation etc)
occurs via Discord.

Please join our discord channel
for infos about signing up etc.

Conditions / Roles

The policy on participation in Rolling Thunder is quite open, however, due to the low frequency of the events and the effort put in it to provide these high-quality and exclusive gaming experiences, some requirements are present.


Conditions for registration / participation:

  • Have an original copy of Arma 3
  • Have TS3 with a working microphone
  • Be able to be present at the required time, with the required systems installed and tested. Coming late and/or having things not prepped in advance is a no-no here
  • Be able to independently (find out how to) install and run addons. RT does not have dedicated tech-support during battles and we expect people to have their system sorted before hand
  • Be able to play in a very high level of teamwork
  • To have a mature and responsible attitude
  • Be able to bring a positive addition to the event

In order to make it possible to have balanced, motivated and organized teams, participation on Rolling Thunder requires slot reservation in advance.You can sign up a group of players or as an individual. Other then that it is appreciated, especially if you are signing up as tank crewman, that you have some form of basic skills in operating ArmA  tanks. Same goes if you want to sign up for AT, you need to have skill in using various mobile and stationary AT weapons/vehicles.


Main available roles / slot types
(they can vary from battle to battle)

Tank Driver:
People who enjoy playing together in a main battle tank under the command of a tank commander, as part of a three man crew. Basic skill with tank driving and gunnery are required for playing in this role.

Tank Gunner:
People who enjoy playing together in a main battle tank under the command of a tank commander, as part of a three man crew. Basic skill with tank driving and gunnery are required for playing in this role.

Tank Commander (Wingman):
People who are willing and able to lead a tank crew and operate under the command of a tank platoon leader. Some prior game experience with ArmA tanks is required, as well as being able to communicate clearly and effectively towards your crew and on the platoon radio net.

Tank Commander (Platoon Leader):
People who are willing and able to lead a platoon of three tanks at the same time, whilst being seated in one of them.
Being able to multi-task is a absolute necessity for this role. The player must be comfortable and able switching between listen/talk to his own crew, the platoon net and the company radio net. In addition the player must have the ability to communicate effectively and posses good knowledge of ArmA tanks, as well as being able to speak and understand English well.

Recon Team Member:
A person who is willing and able to perform dismounted reconnaissance. He enjoys and is able to discretely gather info on the terrain and the enemy’s movement and reports to a recon team leader.  Seeing without being seen and being able to relay information in a clear and effective fashion are requirements to be assigned to such role.

Anti-Tank Soldier
A person who is experienced in and enjoys neutralizing tanks with a high variety of AT weapon systems. Must have good knowledge of using man-portable launchers, static assemblies and mobile AT platforms. The team operates both mounted and on foot.